
Blessing, a nine-year-old girl (orphaned) Step her foot in School for the very first time.

Blessing Isiah, once a twin separated after the tragic loss of their parents, found solace in the care of a compassionate neighbor. With her caregiver facing health challenges, their focus shifted to providing basic sustenance and homeschooling, leaving Blessing devoid of the opportunity to step foot into a classroom for the past nine years.

However, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our Ondo state team, a ray of hope has emerged. Blessing has now been enrolled in school (St. Stephen N/P School Owo, Ondo state), starting at KG two, marking a significant milestone in her educational journey. With determination and support, we are optimistic that Blessing will thrive and progress to the primary level in the upcoming session.

We humbly appeal for material and financial assistance to sustain Blessing’s educational pursuits. The caregiver, burdened by health issues, is unable to work, and Blessing goes to school on an empty stomach. Your generous contributions will provide her with the necessary resources and nourishment she needs to succeed.

Together, let’s make a difference in Blessing’s life, ensuring she receives the education she deserves. Join us in supporting her journey toward a brighter future filled with endless possibilities. Your support matters more than ever. 🙏📚

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