Anti-corruption Hackathon Workshop 2022
Our representatives participated in a Four-Day Anti-corruption Hackathon Workshop, organized by @accountlab Nigeria in partnership with @undp Nigeria and Open Contracting Partnership (OCP).

The objectives of the workshop include:
Improve government procurement data including public access: Develop tech ideas for public procurement processes to improve paper-based systems, improper contracting procedures, unclear regulations, and poor efficiency in tracking public contracts
Catalyzing the use of procurement data for advocacy, monitoring, and feedback mechanisms: Implementing open contracting under the watchful eye of citizens and CSO engagement, presents Nigerian states with the opportunity to address loopholes within procurement processes, improve service delivery, and attain greater levels of transparency around spending, e.g. develop story sprints
With the knowledge attained as CSOs, we can develop co-created, bottom-up approaches to accountability in public contracting